Can MIDI Sound Quality be Equal to Audio Sound?
The answer can be, although it's not perfect same like audio sound quality, it all depends on the cold hand of the midi maker, the standard midi sound is very electronic sound, different from the audio recorded on the original music instrument, the midi sound better if played on the keyboard instrument media, because the keyboard instruments have hardware that is designed in such a way from the manufacture, to process the midi sound sounds better, when compared to playing on other media such as computers. Usually the midi maker will mix the midi to make it sound better by using various techniques. This is where the important role of velocity of each instrument must be prioritized in making MIDI, velocity itself means how hard the keys of keyboard controller are pressed, because if the keys are pressed hardly the sound will be loud and vice versa, for example piano sound, make piano sound that is dynamic, the need for technique piano key touch, play the piano key touch respon...
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