What is MIDI Files?

MIDI files in my opinion is a collection of virtual melodies there are put together and combined to be a song form, many Indonesian people call it midi song, midi has many uses for many professionals such as musicians, entertainers, karaoke hobbies, and others. One of the uniqueness of midi files is that each of its channel instruments can be edited as needed, unlike standard mp3 files that cannot be changed in any way, like coffee and sugar that has been mixed with water and becomes a coffee drink, which is impossible to separate back into the previous form of coffee and sugar apart, another case with midi file, inside of midi song has separate channel of instruments like sugar and coffee before mixed with water, midi can use for musicians is as a backing track, accompaniment, and others, midi also can use for entertainers, it's certainly for entertainment needs, in this case the keyboard player or single organ player in Indonesia, midi can use for karaoke lovers, of course the midi file can be inputted text lyrics inside midi song, all the lyrics is accordance with the melody issued, but it depends on the skill midi maker who input the lyrics into the midi file, to get song midi files is very easy, many are found on the internet, ranging from amatuer makers to professional makers, from free to paid, because it is in accordance with the sound quality of the midi files made, one of the midi files websites in Indonesia is www.geraimidi.com which provides free and paid midi files, midi which makes it not from Professionals are definitely messy when play on a keyboard that support to play midi files, not even uncommon, midi file is not like the original song, everything comes back to suit your needs


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